As I toss and turn as I lay in my bed I can imagine our true gangsta ancestors turning in their graves. It seems as if the last Man that died standing on his feet which was the great and powerful brother Malcom X better and more respectfully known as the great brother El Hajj malik Shabazz. Quite frankly speaking we the Black Race have lost our way… we have been lost and have wandered a stray far from the path that our true gangsta ancestors were going less than 60 years ago. We have now adopted the most foolish and detrimental habits to ourselves and promote them to our families. The Black Race is and has been constantly attacked by the fascist Govt of this country and their arm that they use to instill constant surveillance on the Black community, and that is the pigs oink oink. They have always been the terrorist of this country that has been allowed to run amuck and unchecked by the govt of this country. Also there are plenty of so-called white supremacist groups that are allowed to do the same the kkk is a good example. They have been terrorizing and killing Blacks in this country for over 150 years and to this day still has not been labeled as a terrorist group by the govt of this country…. That right there Blatantly say we don’t give a fuck about the Black Race….. This is what the govt of this country means as they allow these groups to still exist and get away with the murders of Black people all over this country for centuries. How much more evidence do we as the Black community need before we this generation pick up the torch and follow what our true gangsta ancestors were doing…. How many more Black Lives must be flashed across the TV on their news stations before we decide to come together, how many more protest with picket signs and sit-ins while singing we shall overcome while getting gassed and pummeled by pig officers for staying out past curfew. The issue has and always will be the hatred of our skin color and the systems that the govt of this country uses to oppress those of the Black Race. There needs to be a constant effort and movement that is challenging the Govt of this country and the systems that are continuing to oppress the Black Race. This is the issue that need to be addressed as it is of an urgent nature, there needs to be a Black Movement that is moving in unison that are all fighting the same enemy and that is the villain the govt of this country. The Black Panthers, Malcolm X, The Move 9, David Walker, Gabriel Prosser, Nat turner, Mumia Abu Jamal, Assata Shakur, Angela Davis just to name a few. All of these groups and people were fighting this system of oppression and slavery, and all of these groups and people were either assassinated or locked away in prisons to die and their messages to be forgotten about. There is a mass campaign to spread the most ignorant and foolish mentality and customs among the Black race to follow and to promote as the thing to do. No one is tackling these issues or even mentioning them it is as if we have fallen asleep and become complacent with a life of just existing. We the Black Race have been robbed of our culture our history, families and the list goes on. No other Race in the world has been through the extreme torture and abuses that the Black Race has gone through and still goes through today. The demand for what is ours is now and that is the Reparations that is owed the ADOS in this country and the time is now!…. No longer can we just continue to ignore what is owed to us and expect to continue to support this system that pays every other Race that they have done some wrong too they have paid then some form of reparation to those descendants of those races…. So it is time that we demand the same…
Originally published at on February 19, 2021.