Gabriel Prosser
6 min readAug 20, 2023
George Jackson and his brother Johnathan Jackson.

How can any sane Black Man or Woman for that matter forgive and forget the abuses that are continuously committed against their own kind, on a daily basis by the government and the systems of this country?

One can only assume that most have become content with forgiving and forgetting their enemies as well as forgetting about their true ancestors that were heroes.

Now our people are content being consumers of the most ignorant shit just to be entertained and dulled to the feelings and pain of being a Black person in Amerikkka.

Constantly we, the Black people in this country are supposed to be the ones that are constantly forgiving our enemies when they are killing us, while also remaining peaceful while we are supposed to protest.

There is a new breed of Revolutionaries that are not afraid of no damn pigs or their “Nigger Knockers” as they used to so vehemently call them. This and many other facts of this country’s animosity and hatred towards the Black people in this country has continued to show in more ways than one.

We have seen time and again the failure of this government and their lack of genuine effort towards the protection of the Black citizens in this country that are supposed to be equal citizens in this country, when they have proven over and over again that the equal treatment of the Black citizens in this country was never a real priority in the first place.

Examples of this and proofs can be seen all through History, and something else that this country is intent on, which is lying to our children about who and what they were.

This is the country that you are continuing to be satisfied with, the country that you are content believing in when they never had any intention to believe in you, yet you are content to vote for their system that has not even paid you Reparations when that same government and system that you will die for has paid other ethnicities their due in cash, but not you, not the Black Citizens of this country that has made it what it is today, we must remain peaceful in the face of adversity and violence that is coming down on us from the very system that you are voting for.

What type of backwards thinking is this?

Why are we continuing to believe in a system that has proven over time that they are not and has never been for us?

We have become the thorn in the side of our ancestors.

We have dropped the blueprint that they have made for us to follow and have refused to pick it back up and follow it to achieve our true freedom and liberation.

Our ancestors were the ones that were fighting against this system and its oppression of its Black citizens in general.

Most of us have forgotten that this country has a rich history of hatred toward one race of people continuously throughout their existence on this planet.

No other race has experienced the horror that we have been through.

Postcards of our ancestors’ suffering were the norm of this country for sport and play. White Families would make a picnic of it literally. There have been reports of white people and their families roasting and cooking Black people and cutting pieces of their flesh, eating them and keeping some of them as souvenirs.

On July 4th many of this country will be allowed to have the day off in a false celebration of independence and will have what many still call “Picnics”, While not knowing the origin of this word and its very important meaning and message.

This image explains clearly the origin of the word Picnic, which meant Pick-a Nigger and they would hang them and burn them and as I’ve said previously some resorting to cannibalism and even passed our ancestors body parts down through generations as a souvenir.

The Springfield Massachusetts Republican reported on the burning of a Black Man named Sam Hose and it follows as such.

“Before the torch was applied to the pyre, The negro was deprived of its ears, fingers and genital parts of his body. He pleaded pitifully for his life while the mutilation was going on but stood the ordeal of the fire with surprising fortitude. Before the body was cool, it was cut up into small pieces, the bones were crushed into small bits, and even the tree upon which the wretch met his fate was torn up and disposed of as souvenirs. The negro's heart was cut into several pieces, as was his liver. Those unable to obtain ghastly relics direct paid their more fortunate possessors extravagant sums for them. Small pieces of bone went for 25 cents and a bit of liver crisply cooked went for ten cents.”

As the title states I’ll never forgive and I’ll never forget, and why should I or any of you be those that continue to forgive and forget the abuses that were handed down to our ancestors and the government has not even made a public apology for the wrongs committed or not even paid reparations to a race that made this country what it is today.

How can I forget when I am constantly reminded of the hatred that this country has towards those of my race for no other reason that the skin that we are in.

This country and those that are representing it are comfortable with Black people that are not concerned with their history or let alone what this country is really trying to do to them as a whole.

We the Black people in this country are daily reminded and can never forget what this country has done and continues to do only to one specific race of people. This country and its leaders have told blatant lies about this country, its systems and its racism towards Black citizens in general.

One cannot deny the fact that no other races are being shot and murdered for the world to see as much and often as Black people in this country are. Not one month can go in this country without a Black person getting murdered by those that are sworn to protect and serve.

Yet to the Black communities for generations all we have seen is that they are terrorists to those of us in the Black communities.

No media outlets, or newspapers are ever reporting stories about the police in white neighborhoods because they have broken in and shot a white person that was asleep in their homes.

No stories are ever heard or seen of white people getting beat in public by the police for something as simple as a traffic ticket.

Even though “No-Knock warrants” are legal no one white has to deal with these military style raids of their residences when they are sleeping and killed.

The 22-year-old was killed in a police shooting after officers entered the Minneapolis apartment where he was sleeping.

So, this is precisely why I am a Nigga that's positively displeased, and I’ll never forgive, and I’ll never forget.



Gabriel Prosser

I am here to keep the foot 🦶🏿on the neck of the oppressors when it comes to issues that are relevant to the Black Community.