The Murders of Black People by 🐖’s won't stop as long as the government supports them.

Gabriel Prosser
5 min readJul 3, 2022
We must be prepared for every move they Make

Time and time again we the Black Race are supposed to take the constant murders of our people by the pigs as something that we just have to deal with and remain patient.

The question is how much longer we can do that. The Black Race as a whole are literally at their wits end when it comes to this issue. This country continues to act as if the problems that are affecting the Black race are irrelevant. Not one bill that has been signed has done anything of substantial nature that has stopped the murders of Black People by the pigs.

It has become more than obvious that it is left up to the Black race to defend ourselves against the constant attacks by those that are in blue. We have no other choice! Now is the time for Black people to defend ourselves against police brutality

This country will constantly distract us from the pigs that are still on paid leave for the murder of our family. In fact, the courts are backed up with logs, and dockets of pigs that have murdered Black people. It is the out of sight out of mind tactics that they are using when it comes to staying current on the issues of pigs murdering Black people.

It is no coincidence that we have not heard of the numerous other cases of pig’s that have murdered our family. We have not heard about the pig Nicholas Reardon that murdered 16-year-old Ma’kiyah Bryant in Columbus, OH? What about the pig Mark Hanneman that murdered our brother Amir Locke as he was laying peacefully trying to sleep? Or Jamal Clark that was unarmed and shot and killed by pigs Mark Ringgenberg and Dustin Schwarze of the Minneapolis pig department.

Before we the Black Race can even began to heal from the fresh wounds this country and their white supremacist systems continue to throw salt in the wounds. Needless to say, that these wounds continue to fester and boil when the pigs such as in the cases of our Family Amir Locke and Jamal Clark the pigs that murdered them are facing no charges.

How can this country make this make any sense? They can’t especially when we the Black race are constantly seeing the two sides of justice when it comes to those who are Black and white. Recently in Kentucky a white man named Lance Storz killed two pigs and their dog and injured four other officers, and while he was having a good time doing all of this he was arrested and able to stand trial alive. Compare this with the fact that Jayland Walker was shot at 90 times by the Akron pigs and was hit 60 times and all he did was get out of the car and run from the pigs. With facts like this it is not hard to see who this country has their best interest for and Black People it is not us unless they need us to vote to keep this system of oppression in place. The fact is this country allows the pigs to murder and violate the rights of the Black people int this country, and they have been allowing this for some time.

We can all do our own research to come to these conclusions. There is no need for us to continue to trust and believe in pink smiling lying faces that are going to do or say whatever they have to keep the People deceived and led astray. If this country has not gotten under control the murders of Black people in all of this time, then it should be evident that they are allowed to as this is part of this country and systems plans.

There has to be some accountability for the murders of Black people by the pigs and we can rest assure that we will not receive it from the government of this country no matter who gets voted in. They can’t even own up to paying the Black people in this country Reparations that we are owed, so why would they do right by us when it comes to making pigs pay with their lives for taking the life of a Black Person. How many more Black People in this country must die at the hands of those that are sworn to protect and serve the communities but yet it is obvious that they are terrorizing the Black community as a whole.

How many more pink smiling lying faces are going to get in front of the cameras and lights with their fake smiles and uncaring attitudes as they make excuses of how they are investigating and looking into the matter wholeheartedly.

The Black race in this country has had enough and are fed up with the two sides of justice that are in this country. It is evident that there is a war going on against the Black people in this country and that we are under attack from all angles from all white supremacist in this country. We can see that this government no matter who is in the office that making sure the safety of Black people is taking seriously is not this government’s concern.

The time is now for the Black people in this country to stop believing in a system and government that never had or wanted to believe in us or treat us as equal citizens. The writing is all over the wall and it is now time for us to be prepared to defend ourselves from all attackers no matter their positions or titles in life. Our Black families are important just as theirs are why should we be made to accept defeat and continue to Mourn.

The time is now for the tables to turn we must unite as the Black race in this country and come together unanimously on the goal of defeating white supremacy in all of its forms.



Gabriel Prosser

I am here to keep the foot 🦶🏿on the neck of the oppressors when it comes to issues that are relevant to the Black Community.