Member-only story
Liberal: willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas.
Malcolm X once said that the white liberal is the worst enemy to this country and the Black Man. Many people still have a hard time seeing or understanding this, and some are just comfortably content and complacent living a life in a country that will never treat or see you as equal.
Every year we can see the white so-called liberals and conservatives competing for votes from the Black communities for the positions of power in their political offices. This game has been going on for some time now, and Malcolm X was trying to warn us when he said this.
Black people vote mean nothing as we continue to play in this game of politricks that continues to show us that we are getting nothing out of it, except that we are continuing to put people in positions of power that forget about us once we put them there.
When will the time come that we will see and start to implement those blueprints that were left by us by our ancestors so that we can defeat our common enemy and become free from a system of racism and oppression that will never change.
Every race will have their convenient say in the Black persons plight and history in this country, as well as that same…