They Say This Country Aint Racist🤔 And I Say Aint A Pigs Pussy Pork…

Gabriel Prosser
3 min readMay 21, 2021


White People not wanting Integration

Hypocrerica which i love to call this country and it is also the title of my book, and it stands for Hypocritical-America. That is just what this country is and always has been. Especially when it comes to the needs of the Black Citizens in this country.

No other race has been through the tortures and abuse that we have and it is coming from those that are sworn to protect and serve their citizens. Even though we are getting murdered in the streets everyday by the pigs yet we have any laws or bills passed that can gurantee our saftey from the constant harassment and stalking by the pigs. This is an outrage.

A spit in the face to the Black community as a whole, as every other race that this pig ass govt has wronged in the past they have recieved their due in the form of cash payments better known as Reparations.

These are Reparations paid to The Indians and The Japanese

The question now is where is ours? The answer is something that we will never get. The only thing that we get from this Hypocritical country is a steady fresh pile of Bullshit excuses, and a constant new arrival of pink lying smiling faces with wooden teeth with more new false promises to the Black community that always seem to be forgotten about or overlooked once they get our vote.

The foolish statement of “whatchamacallit” of this country aint racist is a foolish statement and only to be believed by fools. Those of us that have a gnats brain of sense know better.

This countries foundation is built upon racism, and this is something that they have not admitted to nor have they made it right with the descendants of those slave that they have brought over to this country. Again and again we and our issues in this country are consatntly pushed to the back burner more like under the rug.

All through His-Story in this country we have irrefutable proof of how they are racist. Again in this day and time in the year 2021 the kkk still have not been labled a terrorist group, and lynching the favorite cowardly act of whit people has not been made a hate crime.🤔 So what does this say about the prorities of the govt? What does it say about what are the best interest to this govt and their systems?…. If you still thinking it damn sure aint us the Black Race. To further prove my theory of how this country is racist… Even though there is no need to, but in the 1900’s in Huntington Indiana in the carnivals they would play a game called…

Huntington, Indiana in the 1900's

So with this and much more evidence of this countries racist inherited nature against us again only a fool would believe such a foolish statement.



Gabriel Prosser
Gabriel Prosser

Written by Gabriel Prosser

I am here to keep the foot 🦶🏿on the neck of the oppressors when it comes to issues that are relevant to the Black Community.

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