“If we have to form a Black Nationalist army. We’ll form a Black Nationalist army. It’ll be the ballot or the bullet. It’ll be liberty or It’ll be death.” Malcolm X
“The Nigga Mentality” means Fuck that Nigga as we come up in the Black Community by however means that we may in our attempts at getting money, we tend to look down on those that look like us that have less than and say, Fuck that Nigga. Looking down on the one that looks like us is the thing or the trending thing to do these days. We can hear it all of the music that we listen to and allow our children to as well. Even in the Movies it is the same thing The Nigga Mentality of Killing and Hating, looking down on your own kind. In the Black Communities this is known as Shittin on them, Stunting, Flexn a different mix of slang depending on what part of the Black Community that you are from.
This Mentality That I’m Coining Now known as” The Nigga Mentality” has and will continue to be Exploited for Money through the avenues of Media, Music, Fashion, and the list goes on. Hint (Blaxploitation) Nowadays it is obvious that our culture of youth is adopting this mentality with an eagerness that has never been seen before in history. We can see the youth walking around with their pants sagging showing ignorance and disrespect to your own kind for the smallest thing is looked at as Gangsta.
The whole world of all Races sees the benefits of us, and our culture and they use it to enrich themselves and their families. It is now time for us the Black Race to recognize the benefits as well of us all uniting against the one enemy that we all have in common, which is White supremacy.
The Nigga Mentality can be used for good in the means of focusing this energy on the one common enemy White Supremacy. Instead of looking down on our own kind and killing them over something that is foolish at the end of the day, we need to be focusing that energy and mentality on the enemy and be ready to die, if need be, in the attempts to achieve Black Nationalist Independence, Liberation, Freedom and complete separation from the white race and their systems.
Therefore, uniting likeminded Revolutionary individuals and having them understand why the implementation of this theory is key to achieving Black Nationalistic goals, agendas, and actions for the Black Race.
Being that “Bad Nigga” on the Block is key when it pertains to running the pigs out your neighborhood.
Being the “Bad Nigga” is Key when it comes to having that “Fuck that Nigga” Mentality when it pertains to this system and the oppressive White Supremacist Structure’s and Plans.
Being the “Bad Nigga” is key when saying fuck the law when they don’t obey it themselves and being aware that these laws are designed biased against the Black Race in attempts to emasculate the Black Man in attempts to keep him and his family submissive to White Supremacist Agenda’s
Therefore, The Nigga Mentality can be used in this way to help rapidly accelerate the progression of all Black Nationalist Ideas and actions. The goal is to unite those of us with this mentality and to get us to stop using it against our own kind and to use all of our collective energies to focus on destroying the system of White Supremacy.
Your Revolutionary Brethren: Gabriel Prosser